The week went very well. Thursday Bob Luterek and I performed as "Replay" at the casino at Buffalo Raceway. Replay is a side project that Bob and I do. It involves Jazz and more produced things. Bob gets a ton of sounds from his Roland synth module. This enables him to do sax leads and such on his guitar! It was great! Friday I was at the Sonoma Grille in Snyder NY. It's a beautiful, trendy place with a great intimate atmosphere. Saturday was an absolute party! I played at Fudd's Hidden Hollow and the owners, Shawn and Marsh were great to me. I had friends come from all over Western New York. There were 4 birthday parties and a retirement party going on all at once! I rocked it out and booked more gigs there all the way to May! Look for me there throughout the summer. I'm tired gang...I'm stopping short here...If you have a chance, join my group site at:
See you down the road!
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