Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Much Needed Break and a HUGE Party!

Hi Everyone,

I am on a great retreat until the end of this week so enjoy the week and know that everyone is in my thoughts.

Later this week is incredibly busy. I return to the Buffalo Launch Club on Thursday at 7:30. It is beautiful there and open to the public. Friday I am back for a HUGE party at Talty's! If you haven't been to Talty's check it out! It's amazing! Friday afternoon, Saturday, Sunday and Monday I have four private gigs...Whew, I hope my voice holds out!

Here are the postings for this week:

The Buffalo Launch Club. 503 East River Rd., Grand Island. 773-7629. Thursday, August 21 @ 7:30 p.m.

Talty's. 2056 South Park Ave., 825-9279. Friday, August 22 @ 9:30 p.m.

Have a wonderful week!



AngelicSheDevil14220 said...

Hey Gregg!! YOU FREAKING ROCKED at Talty's last night!!! I never heard of you before, but i will DEFINITELY be back there on Sept. 20th for your next show there!!!
thanks4 the GREAT entertainment...Cheri Collins

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