Sunday, April 05, 2009

Happy Easter!


Just wanted to check in with you all. My surgery is tomorrow...I have to be at the hospital at 6:00 AM! (:| Everyone has been so kind with their prayers and such. Thank you once again. Please keep my friend Nicole Manges' friend, Simon in your prayers. He has a rare form of Leukemia and he is fighting for his life...He's in first grade. I'll keep you posted. My friend Andrea Straw's husband Mike is still waiting for a lung transplant and things have been brutal so please keep him in your thoughts. And lastly, Renee Dolinar, a very dear friend is going through a horrible time with her father being so ill. He doesn't have much more time.

So Easter is a time to reflect and take stock. If you will. I ask that you pray for my friends...pray for your continued happiness and health. Please know I am doing that for all of you! I'll keep you posted as to my progress. I'll be up and running (so to speak) in no time!

Have a great week and a wonderful Easter!




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