Monday, August 21, 2006

Playing the Fair and working my butt off!

What's really strange is how busy I am in the summer (5 shows two weeks ago, 5 last week, 5 this week) and then how it will drop off in September! This past week I played various places, most notably, America's Fair (The Erie County Fair). There was a huge crowd at the fair and Lisa (my fiance) and her son, Patrick helped me move equipment. Thank God they did because the crap had to be moved about 1/4 mile from where we had to park! Yikes! Anyway, what I was saying is that after this week things start to dwindle...Most of the private shows are over until Christmas time so I actually go back to two or three gigs a week (usually two)...What a pain in the butt! I really enjoy playing and seeing all of you...By the way, if you want to check out a couple originals I wrote go to my MySpace site here:

Gregg's MySpace Site (Click me)

Have a good one and I hope to see you soon!


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